During these days, our charismatic chefs, Pelu and Javier will convey their knowledge and their secrets to create these wonderful preparations. You will learn how to make foods nutrients shine and speak for themselves by sprouting, fermenting, macerating, dehydrating them. You will mix, cut, knead, blend, play, and the most important thing, you will connect with the essence of food.  

The main characters in La Bella Verde will be green smoothies, nuts drinks, wheat grass shots, truffles, chocolates, turraws, salads, chips, crackers, the already-known “love sandwich”, a giant cosmic pizza “cooked” under the sun (weather permitting), the “Mediterranean good vibration wraps”, the “carrot cake from another world”, the “finger-licking cake”, “the strawberry kiss” and many, many more edible letters written by the Universe. Everything organic, everything delicious! Wow! You are not to miss this! 
    Pelú Campos                  Javier Medvedovsky                    


As the main topic of the retreat is nutrition, we will start our day nourishing our spirit, opening our heart, our consciousness, our attention and appetite for the new day that begins. With the first sunray, the sound of the seashell will indicate that the practice is about starting!  

During these days we will develop a deeper and more subtle connection with our five senses:
Touch - we will connect with our body and feel the different sensations that come and go during the practice … (Asanas)
Sight- we will broad our capacity to look inside, to look within us…
Hearing – we will develop it by listening and understanding the vibration we emanate through our voice… (Chanting)
- Smell- we will experience the pranic consciousness of our breathing... (Kryas y Pranayamas)
- Taste - we are what we eat! Interdependence between Yoga and Nutrition

Lesson Breakdown:
- 15 min - Meditation
- 15 min - Kryas y Pranayamas
- 60 min – Asanas
- 30 min - Kirtan (Chanting)
Pedro & Tierra

It is such a pleasure to have with us the co-creator of the so-called “Laboratorio de teatro” (theatre laboratory.)
She has the amazing gift of guiding you through an exciting journey within yourself to make you look outside again with different eyes afterwards.

“Body and mind are infinitively creative”

“Essence, presence” 
                                                        Jessica Walker
Deeksha in Sanskrit means initiation. It is an energy transference carried out through the imposition of hands over the head of the person receiving it. It is a golden energy that helps in the human being awakening process.
This tradition, which originated in India, helps us connect to our Divinity beyond any name or shape. It connects us to our own soul and spirit, to our truth and to the light that lies our heart.
The program includes guided meditations, Deeksha transference, music, dance and several teachings, which we will take home with us and help us in our day-to-day.

Silence, contemplation and the present moment are the main artists in these delightful concerts held in full nature.


The Mayan astrology and calendar will be part of the whole retreat. We will learn much more about this ancient and amazing wisdom legacy and about our link to it.


Let’s go into the womb of Mother Earth and purify our body with this millenary ceremony. Let’s experiment the steam of the therapeutic heat of natural essences and medicinal herbs which will restore our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Let’s sing to the rhythm of the drums, feeling the presence of the fire, the earth, the air and the water allowing us to connect to the Cosmos and to understand the Self nature. 


This sound journey invites you to travel through sound textures and atmospheres.
In a space created for openness and relaxation, different elements and sensations will make you go through a beautiful sensorial experience, which will bring you close to a pleasant meditation state in which you will connect with yourself.
The power of this healing sound guides you into a journey to your heart and to our essence.
It is an experience that will make you vibrate, feel and discover. 


In the last evening, Saint John's magic night, we will celebrate passionately dancing under the stars to the powerful drums rhythms. Montezuma's Secret will be revealed to us as we plunge into the amazing world of Cacao. The effect of such an special evening, together with the experience lived so far in the retreat, will make us connect to Divinity, appreciating life and feeling deeply grateful and lucky for the fact of being part of this awesome adventure.